lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2015

Started in 1957, the Golden Slipper Stakes is a thoroughbred horse race. This competition attracts fans from all over the world, as well as racers from all corners of the globe.
It is now the world’s richest of horse races; this means, the prize money is outrageous! The first amount used in the 1957 race was 20,000 pounds (the former currency of Australia), and the prize money is now at a record high of $3,500,000 (Australian dollars).
An interesting fact about the race is that only 2-year old thoroughbred horses are permitted for entry. Also, the horse that wins the race is placed in the coveted Hall of Fame, generating life-long popularity!

golden slipper = zapatilla de oro
stakes = apuestas
thoroughbred = pura sangre
race = carrera
racers = corredores
corners of the globe = rincones del mundo
prize money = premio en dinero
outrageous = exagerado
record high = máximo histórico
are permitted for entry = se les permite participar
is placed in the coveted Hall of Fame = se coloca en la Sala de Fama más deseada
life-long popularity = popularidad para toda la vida

Fuente: ABC                       

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